“So this is Christmas”  a sermon from Calvary  Chapel London:

If you want an unbiased account of why Christmas is not of pagan origin?  then don’t watch this sermon. It was filmed live at Calvary Chapel London on the 18th December 2022. It was the pastors attempt to debunk and belittle those Christians who believe that Christmas is a celebration that was brought to align with the pagan celebrations during the time of emperor Constantine.  Who reigned between AD 306 to AD 337. Constantine it appears saw a cross before a battle and attributed this to his success and gave all glory to the Christian God and made it the faith of his realm. (Indecently the RC church elevated this to the worshiping of the cross today and putting Jesus back onto it) but I digress, it is recorded that Constantine’s did not want to upset his wives, who celebrated many pagan festivals, by including a lot of man-made secular events into the calendar.


This to me was a typical synchronistic attempt to bring new age religion into original bible teachings he also threw in a little bit of gas lighting to get his audience to believe his words by adjusting his voice to that of sarcasm, silly voices that someone who goes against his thinking is portrayed as being a little less educated and gave scenarios that really was of vein imagination, for instance he stated “they will put their trees in the bin in the cellar(in a scary voice)and then all sit around a candle keeping warm”. Whilst indicating those celebrating Christmas would be sitting in a well lit room with decorations all around. He also said he likes his mince pies and Christmas tree.


He kept saying this subject should not divide the church but his sermon was heavily intent on doing that. The sermon was full of patronising voices and belittling statements. His aim was to debunk many things which are done at this time of the year which he claims has no pagan roots. But he kept insisting that “Jesus has made us free” and we can do as we like and he quoted Col 2:16:


Col. 2:16  “ Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or ja new moon or a Sabbath”.


 And if you wanted to celebrate Christmas then that’s ok and if you didn’t then

that’s ok as well  but do not judge those who do this. He also made reference to those who speak about the inclusion of this festival being wrong being legalistic as the Pharisees. Just a reminder here Jesus did not rebuke the Pharisees for their knowledge of law but for them adding to the law. Which is what has happened since the turn of the first century by religious groups adding more and more to what Jesus and the disciples would have celebrated.


What I have to question is if all those who were in the seats, who paid their offerings before the sermon, were believers in Christmas and there for a Christmas service why did ninety percent of the sermon talk about paganism if it was not to divide the brethren. Incidentally we were sent this sermon to watch from two sisters in Christ who know our standing on the subject.  So the sermon concluded with the pastor stating “ don’t get uptight either way, if you celebrate Christmas or do not celebrate Christmas  because scripture does not require us to celebrate the birth of Christ but it does not forbid it, however if you are uncomfortable with it do not celebrate it.” Which to me was a bit of sitting on the fence statement but you could tell he wanted the congregation to rebuke those who do not celebrate Christmas because of its pagan origins.


The pastor then made reference to John 10:22 where Jesus attended the feast of dedication however it does not say he celebrated it. nowhere in the bible does it say the apostles celebrated birthdays in fact the only birthday that was celebrated was the one where John the Baptist was beheaded.


So here is where we stand concerning this whole issue:  we are bible believing followers of the way of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and believe in the accounts of the New Testament, however,  we believe that since the First century the devil has infiltrated the body of Christ especially the Roman Catholic church and the reformation which brought the world into the church and this has been an ongoing thing up until today .The inclusion of manmade traditions being synchronised alongside good biblical understanding has split the church, religion ,government and politics have added to this. This sermon is no different its full of untruths dressed as truth and led by a shepherd who is taking his flock on the broad path. May be he should have

included Col 2:8 into his sermon: we need to be like Bereans and do our own research not just absorb what “our pastor says”

Col. 2:8   See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits1 of the world, and not according to Christ.


Here is a quote from a YouTube clip from Calvary chapel London a poem by Lucy Wall “wolf in sheep’s clothing” dated 9 September 2018


beware or question the wolf in sheep's clothing

he may know the Bible better than you

he'll say godly things and pray with

convection he's learned the right lines

and he knows what to do he'll play his

role well at least for a season

he'll charm every soul with her silvery

tongue teaching God's people to follow

intently with well applied scriptures

he'll fill everyone he'll mention God's

name and claim to be humble professing

the life of one serving God's throne but

listen more closely and he has

ambition the interests he's serving are

purely his own.

Pagan Holidays

As Christians we are warned not to participate in the celebration of evil but the rather expose them:

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them".

 (Ephesians 5:11).KJV


Is there a connection between the flood and this holiday is, "The legends cited . . . are found all over the world . . . yet they all have in common this remembrance of death . . . at the end of October and the beginning of November." All the above are tantalizing clues as to the true origin of Halloween. It is entirely possible that the holiday is a perverted memorial to the people put to death in Noah's Flood.


Christmas is a pagan holiday which many Christians enjoy: Again with the reason to witness at this time and they love the tradition: A tradition that has developed over the years since the time the Romans amalgimated religion with politics, changed the worship day from Saturday to Sunday and invoked a law to say that the birth of Christ would be celebrated in December. The bible tells us not to follow vain tradititions of men: it is said lets put Christ back into Christmas, but he was never there in the first place.  This is the birthday of a Babylonian sun god and not Jesus.


Why Easter is Pagan and Resurection Sunday is not the truth

AMOS 5:21-23

5:21  “I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. 22.Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. 23.Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.”


Just like Christmas, the celebration of Easter is the way of the Heathen and the Word of God tells us clearly in Jeremiah 10:2


“Not to learn the way of the heathen.”


Even born-again Christians, that know that Lent (weeping for Tammuz), the Easter bunny (represents the fertility goddess Semiramis), coloured Eggs (fertility rituals) are not of God but,  have no problem with the resurrection Sunday and can get very offended when it is pointed out that Jesus was not killed on a Friday but on a Wednesday after Passover (around 3pm. 72 hours in the grave-3 days and 3 nights. Resurrection was on Saturday! 


As modern Christianity is not familiar anymore with Sabbath(1) and High holy days you can easily see the confusion when reading the Bible. But in the week of the crucifixion there were two Sabbaths.


In John 19:31, John explains to us that this was not a normal Sabbath  but a high day one of the seven annual Sabbaths.


John 19:31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.


Tuesday night:  Passover Seder (meal), prayer in Gethsemane, arrested brought before the Jews

Wednesday morning – before Pilate, on the cross by 9 a.m., dead by 3 p.m

Wednesday night – Jesus in the tomb – first night, High Sabbath begins

Thursday – Jesus in the tomb – first day, High Sabbath,

Thursday night – Jesus in the tomb, second night, end of High Sabbath

Friday – Jesus in the tomb, second day, spices bought & prepared

Friday night – Jesus in the tomb, third night, weekly Sabbath begins

Saturday – Jesus in the tomb third day, weekly Sabbath

Saturday Night – Jesus NOT IN THE TOMB, End of weekly Sabbath



(1) Sabbath, Hebrew Shabbat (from shavat, “cease” or “desist”), day of holiness and rest observed by Jews from sunset on Friday to nightfall on the following nightfall of the following day. The time division follows the biblical explanation of creation:

Genesis 1:5 “And God called the light day and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning was the first day”

Easter Eggs and Bunny Rabbits to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ? I don’t think so.


Traditions made by Man; neither have Christian origins. They have pagan origins but through compromise churches combined the resurrection Of Jesus Christ and the pagan festival together to create a man-made vein tradition. Jesus called out the religious leaders out and said to them you hypocrites, people draw near with their mouths but their heart is far from me but in vein traditions from man they worship me. (para phrased from Matt 15: 7-9). there is nothing about this event anywhere in the Bible.

The Passover celebration is covered in depth also being the last meal Jesus had with his disciples where he broke bread and drank wine. Jesus told his disciples to do this celebration in remembrance of him. (which can be done anytime to commemorate the death of Jesus and to symbolize the new Covenant and it is called the Lords supper).

Matt 26:26-28.

Please read your bible and do not just listen to what you are being told.


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