Matthew 24:14
And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: Then the end will come
We are no means teachers. But we are called to preach the Gospel to everyone as it is the duty of every Christian because Hell is a real place and God will put it on the heart of a born again Christian to bring the Good News (the gospel) to everyone that no one shall perish.
Mark 16:15 " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"
Isaiah 5:3 "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
We live in a world were followers of Jesus Christ(The Truth, the Way and the Life) are ridiculed.
Criminals are often treated as victims, conformity to the narrative is praised and questioning the current agenda is demonized,
Toxic injection are given for prevention of illness, indoctrination is called education, murder of the unborn is called "my choice" ,
and on and on it goes as Satan is the god of this world.
1 John 19 "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness".
We must break free from all this inversion and deception.
There is no peace the world can give .
Jesus said: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed". John 8:36
There are many explanations across the internet concerning the conception and birth process but there is only one clear explanation and that is it’s a miracle from God. And it is explained in the bible. Jeremiah 1:5 further to that when the sperm joins with the egg in the womb this is when the DNA of the male joins with the DNA of the female to set down its own blue print and becomes a new and wholly human being. This is now a life within a life two separate beings the mother to care for her child. The devil is a liar and has been from the beginning and labels this human baby as an embryo and is never identified as a human until the birth has taken place. This distances the reality when someone decides to terminate (abort) a baby. When in reality it is murder.
Dr Anthony Levatino a former abortion provider describes the procedure:
please watch and read the comments below the clip:
At the date I write this( June 2021) worldwide over 18 million abortion were made
Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Feminists say my body my choice. What hypocrisy when we think of all little girls that never got a chance in life.
This is not to condemn anyone who supported a woman to have an abortion, or a women who had one or you were a person who preformed the abortion.
Forgiveness is for everyone who comes to Jesus and repents. He will love you and heal your wounds and you will see your little one in heaven.
Three days before the Law changed in UK concerning buffer zones being enforced around abortion clinics: I was guided, to go with my wife, to evangelise in Reading on London Street where there is a fertility clinic on one side of the road and on the other an abortion clinic which has a church office in the same conjoined alley. What was amazing about this is that up until that direction my wife had wanted to evangelise around that area I on the other hand, being a male and feeling uneasy, did not. We were aware of things happening in other parts of the country, in Brighton for instance where protesters had been arrested for offering advice to women who were heading for the abortion clinic but not about buffer zones being enforced, it has been proven that a lot of life had been saved by these meetings. However in this woke society, we live in , free speech is almost none existent.
During my morning walk and prayer that morning it came over me to go to that street with my wife and evangelise so that’s what we did fearlessly giving out tracts and talking to individuals who did not know the abortion clinic existed. the abortion clinic is hidden down an alley we were surprised to see at the entrance a church office had appeared. We visited the area twice on the second time we approached the church office. The pastor appeared to be quite friendly until we approached the subject of the abortion clinic and were they doing anything to get information to those approaching the clinic to possibly kill their child. He took a very defensive stance professed he was very busy and did not want to talk about that subject even though he did say they were pro-life.
What happened next, was we feel, a gift from God considering our mission was to do more evangelising I had out of the blue an email informing us about the new law coming in to enforce a 150-meter buffer zone to be placed around abortion clinics and anyone placing signs giving out tracts or speaking to anyone to try and offer them advice would be arrested and could possibly get up to two years in prison. So all glory to God for getting us there to spread the gospel and then keeping us safe