Matthew 24:14
And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: Then the end will come
We are no means teachers. But we are called to preach the Gospel to everyone as it is the duty of every Christian because Hell is a real place and God will put it on the heart of a born again Christian to bring the Good News (the gospel) to everyone that no one shall perish.
Mark 16:15 " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"
Isaiah 5:3 "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
We live in a world were followers of Jesus Christ(The Truth, the Way and the Life) are ridiculed.
Criminals are often treated as victims, conformity to the narrative is praised and questioning the current agenda is demonized,
Toxic injection are given for prevention of illness, indoctrination is called education, murder of the unborn is called "my choice" ,
and on and on it goes as Satan is the god of this world.
1 John 19 "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness".
We must break free from all this inversion and deception.
There is no peace the world can give .
Jesus said: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed". John 8:36
Follow your heart this is what I was told and loved telling myself. The Bible says "The heart is deceitful above all things who can know it"(Jeremiah 17:9) But the Bible was alien to me a fairy tale for the weak minded. So my life was very sinful without me noticing much because this world is the devils playground. This world indoctrinates to hate the truth of God TV,Movies, Music suggesting sins and selling them as fun. Lying, stealing, adultery...I broke all of the 10 commandments. Murder? you might ask...yes, the Bible tells us if you hate someone you committed murder in your heart. Growing up with no religious background I later found comfort in the New Age. The consequences of sins started to bother me and I could clearly see the destruction I caused around me and the people I hurt, so I welcomed Buddhism, Hare Krishna, The law of Attraction, Yoga, strict veganism~ all these things can give a deceiving feeling of being very spiritual. My husband and I had hundreds of New Age books yet never once read the Bible. We read one New Age book and needed the next one and the next which shows it is not satisfying and leaves a hunger for more. Why? Because there is a void in all of our hearts which only Jesus can fill. New Age practices are widely accepted and are enticing but have there roots in the occult which is satanism-absolutely evil. I was 20 when my great aunt told me she is praying for me I rolled my eyes and walked off, at the age of 34 I had a work colleague who was telling me that Jesus is the only way I was more open and interested but did not feel I was in any danger and that God loves everybody only not the real "bad" people. This is a lie because the Bible tell us "There is no one good not one of us"(Romans 3:10). I fell into deeper sins and at the age of 43 at my workplace a born again Christian told me his heartfelt Testimony from drug-dealer to Jesus and pleaded to pray with me, which I did.
I was born into a traditional working class family and went through my teenage years in the 60s . It was quite common , at the time for families to take their children to the font and have them splashed with water. Then church attendance was for weddings funerals and the odd Sunday service. one neighbour even joked he went to service every Sunday but his books had handles. For me being a Christian never was part of my life and from a very early age I found myself addicted to fornication. Like most children of the time I blasphemed, stole , lied, didn't show the respect that was due to my parents. At the age of 16 I joined the Army and again it was expected that church attendance was compulsory followed by a good session in the bar. I had a full Army career during which time I married in a church proclaiming on a bible but during all of this it all never resinated with me to even read the Bible. I knew all the stories from the bible that were relevant to children's imagination. the trend of fornication had a thread throughout my life which in the end lead to adultery and divorce. When I left the Army I trained as a sports therapist and massage therapist and over the next ten years I moved more and more towards the New age I even called myself a pantheist never an atheist I always had a thought there was an higher being and the life force resonated through us, I studied hypnosis and yoga and learned how to close the conscious down and allow the subconscious to take in information. My wife, Katja, and I did a lot of courses and bought in excess of one hundred books of which we have subsequently burnt. We visited hare Krishna temples and Buddhist temples learning all the precepts and knew how to look inside ourselves for answers. I became teetotal and became initially a pescatarian later following a vegan style living, I went with my wife to animal slaughter houses all over UK. I would repel anyone who even suggested becoming a christian and used to really get abusive to those knocking on the door peddling their god. I know I caused a lot of destruction to many people especially close family
As the title says together we moved through our life with the expectations that we could solve lifes problems by ourselves, we searched different cults for the answers and of course our egos and Satan would let us believe this. Looking back over our lives it was as if God had worked his way with us and when we were broken he was there to fix us. During our time with the group of Vegans we went around slaughter houses protesting at the cruelty that animals had to endure to satisfy mans craving for their taste buds. We couldn't believe God would let animals suffer like this. It was at one of these slaughter houses, which was located very close to a friend of ours house. At the time she had her mother visiting from Brazil, a very Godly lady whose testimonies would fill this page and more, we would arrive at the house after our protest and would have a drink and a chat. Something happened to Katja because looking back she would ask our friend loads of questions about the bible our friends Mother doesn't speak English. And, I ,at the the onset of the subject would leave the house to take the dog for a walk my spirit was agitated (I didn't know about demons then). We found out later that on one occasion our friends Mother could sense unrest in us especially in me (Tony)and would throw herself on the floor in prayer as our car was driving away, she also had her churches in Brazil praying for us. Two months later after one of these visits I (Tony) was laid of work, with work related stress disorder, which was coming into January time we decided I wasn't going back to work and agreed that I could look into another career and we both agreed it was time to read the Bible.
After this time moved quite quick, we were both used to studying and we absorbed, with some disbelief how the Old testament displayed the life of the Israelites. Katja went straight for the New testament and found the truth in the words Jesus spoke and cried out to Jesus repenting for all the disgusting sins to that date. I (Tony) was a little slower because I wanted to read it from cover to cover, which I now know was not a bad thing but I needed the words of Jesus and his new covenant. Once I had read the New Testament we were both out of the dark and could see the truth. It didn't take long for all the things that were a distraction from Satan was out of the house. Including buddha statues to the local pond and countless number of books into the furnace. It was just under a year and we were drawn to a church nearby which had a husband and wife who were visiting from America who agreed to come to our house on a Friday and talk through the Bible opening up new meanings and us seeing new light from the pages of the bible. having alread been graced with the holy spirit and born again the blindfold taken off it was time to be baptised.
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