Questions from a seeker

Question. What if any, music do you listen to?

It looks to me that God is cruel if he says everyone has to believe Him and repent or they go to hell.


So in answer to your question what music do we listen too? The short answer is we listen to next to no music. We used to listen to an artist whose name is Kieth Green along with his wife Melody. He himself has an amazing testimony. Worth looking up. But what we noticed was along with some of his songs he slipped a few in glorifying the Catholic trinity and an Easter song. So we stopped listening to the other songs as well. In fact we listen to no music but we sing songs together. There are a number of songs written ,without corruption , from the Bible .

The next question should be why?

There is a lot of good research out there explaining why true Bible believers in Jesus Christ should not listen to secular mainstream music.A good resource is “they sold their souls for rock and roll”. You need to look at the song writer, the singer and the words. Most church songs are written today by Hillsong or bethel music when you listen to the words they are very nice but the singers and song writers are worldly and are in it for the money and most have a demonic background . There are a number of issues here.Firstly Jesus said you cannot commune with darkness, once the light comes on in your spirit the darkness goes, as it should, he also said a little bit of leaven Leavens the whole lump meaning if you let a little bit of worldly music into your life you corrupt the whole lump and a friend of worldly things is an enemy of God. Now we have found that most churches know the word of God but make compromise to keep their pews full and by letting a little bit of darkness ( worldly things) into the building it cannot abide with the light.Jesus is the light to destroy darkness, you cannot go into a dark room turn on the light and expect it to stay dark.Sadly those who meet together feel this message is too harsh and would say what’s wrong with just giving a little surely that’s a loving approach and we can reach more people. In reality the love of God (Jesus) is the truth and that shall set you free. Most music today , outwith the church, in one way or another promotes evil in a subtle way, through blasphemy, sensual feelings and words, promotes violence and is just horrible and has a seducing spirit which is from Satan. This goes into films and computer games as well. If you can sit through a film where it constantly drops bad language blasphemy against our Father in heaven and promotes fornication the love of Jesus is not in you.

You ask “If someone in false church listens to worldly music or watches a movie or tv do you think they are in danger of hell or will go to hell?“ in short “yes” but it’s usually down to the wolf in sheep’s clothing that is leading his flock into the wrong pen.These are Luke warm churches and Jesus said he will spit them out. Everyone has a responsibility to check the word out and follow Jesus not man. Onlyone knows who will be saved on judgment day but we do get clear guidance and we called to be watchmen and call out false teachers. . I hope I have explained why above. Be careful what you let into you through you senses Satan is clever and like the serpent he will deceive you into thinking it’s all good and there is nothing wrong with just a little bit of compromise, this goes for adjusting the meaning of pagan festivals like Easter eggs resurrection day and the lie of being 3 days and three nights between Good Friday and the Sunday. and Christmas trees and presents, which have become false idols and Jesus is no where in sight. and like the first fall of man you have without thinking turned your back on Jesus and made what he did on the cross for man futile

Q. It looks to me that God is cruel if he says everyone has to believe Him and repent or they go to hell.

A. This is a good question . There are many analogies which others give to try and emphasise that your statement is not altogether correct. One simple one is a case of someone who murders another.the law of the land states if you murder someone you will go to prison for life. And a judge without corruption will listen to all the evidence and then give judgement. Is this judge a cruel judge because he has executed the law rightfully. On the other hand a corrupt judge might address the case turn a blind eye and let the accused go free. Would this be fair on those affected by the act of murder.

You have asked a couple of good questions and the answers highlighted a number of moral sins. A sin is a term used in archery when you miss the mark on the target. God gave a chosen group some instructions in the form of laws or commandments which was his mark on the board, if one missed the mark they sinned. This was important as the occupants of other groups had turned their backs on God and their lives were full of depravity. And today the world is no different . The main difference is in that Jesus came here on Earth totally man to show man how to live a righteous life without sin. Healso raised the bar and said even by thought you can commit a crime for instance if youthink bad about a person you have already committed murder in your heart and have sinned.

One day Jesus will come back and Judge the world . So what does he judge them from? Moral laws . And if you break one of these laws you will be judged rightfully and the penalty of sin is death.

Now I understand you have a fear of what is written about hell and because it is there it has made you focus more on that than the gospel of Jesus Christ ( good news written in the Bible) and one day we will all be judged and stand in front of a righteous Judge. What type of judge would you want to stand in front of?

In this life we have choices. And on one of our flyers it states condemnation without investigation is ignorance and sadly this is so common in life, things are condemned without all the investigation being done.We cannot begin to think what abuse you have gone through in your life to have you reach a block to not want the gospel. There are those who don’t care about the word of God and have found their own answers and turning a blind eye to the reality that our actions in this life affect eternal life after death.We don’t think this is true with you.

–––For us when the light came on the darkness left, when we were born again and given a new heart for us it was at an older age, and was born again, forsaking all worldly things. In the Bible the word says “create in me a cleanheart oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me”and realised you cannot apply worldly thinking to a spiritual solution which is a daily battle. The truth will set you free and that is in the word. God sent his son to save people from eternal damnation but to be saved you want to live a life that Jesus walked so you are in his footsteps. Repentance is a huge part of salvation you cannot keep living in a life which involves going against these values. The word repentance means to turn away from this worldly things and don’t go back and put your focus on what happened on the cross.A little bit of leaven leavens the whole lump.

So a long winded answer to say no we don’t think our loving father is cruel it is our actions that lead to eternal life you have to choose which route you take. If you fear hell look to the Lord for his answer not man. not us , we can only give what the Lord has given us. We were blinded by the devil for a long time.Praise the Lord in his mercy he saved us and he has the same mercy for you.

Q. Please tell me what exactly is an easy believe gospel?

A. One that tickles your ears. One that tells you that you can say one prayer and you are saved. They tell you that you are saved and you don’t have to do any thing else a gospel that fits into your lifestyle and not how Jesus preached like the new gospel of the LGBTTTQQI who have written their own interpretations like the where you do not have to forsake the world.


What are pleasures of the fallen world? I need to know and understand. Please list them and explain.


This sums up worldly pleasures in three areas : the lust of the flesh, which has to do with appetites this can also be addictions drugs, alcohol, pornography, food (gluttony); the lust of the eyes, which has to do with appearance; both being the one looking and the one dressing provocatively and the pride of life, which has to do with continual need for praise of oneself, making you the centre of existence, although this has taken on a wider meaning with the pride movement. All the sinful pleasures of this world can be found in one of these three areas. This also includes psychology and the need to forever searching and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. ( 2 Timothy 3:7) new agers

There are accounts in history of how mankind lived in total rebellion to a moral lifestyle if you look at the hedonistic era of the Romans where anything was ok prostitution in worship temples babies being offered up to gods by throwing them into a hot pan , open gay a lesbian relationships naked sports and more when you look where we are today there’s so much similarities to this but it is camouflaged to look normal.

Why walk amongst the public and give the Gospel:


We initially joined a Christian group that gives food and drinks to the homeless and any one in need. This in itself was a great service but what we did miss was being able to spread the word of God -the bread of life- this was not the most important message. All groups of religious faith joined together and volunteered. This tied in very nicely with the worldly notion of love is tolerance. The biblical meaning of love is truth. The truth is Jesus Christ (The Greek translation of this love is Agape love)  and is expressed in the bible where God's love for all humanity is expressed throughout the Bible. God put it on our heart to walk the streets in the evenings with Gospels of John, Flasks for hot drinks, hats and socks. There brings much joy doing this but there is also frustration, sadness, getting mocked and sometimes feeling hopeless. We had and still have to learn to listen to the holy spirit and not to our own flesh. It was clear that the socks and drink were more important than the gospel. we have to  bring the Gospel to all souls. There is a fine balance as to how each item is received but the receiver knows “Jesus loves them”.

 over the last year it has been incresingly difficult to outreach to the brocken on the streets of Reading, we know that there are many outlets for food and drink at drop ins through out the day/week. We  focus on giving the gospel . even more alarming there are individuals who have homes but can not afford to live. There is a spiritual war ongoing. BUT

The most precious gift for all humanity is the Gospel

"Only one life will soon be past,

Only what's done for Christ will last."




Bible believing, born again Christians, are often accused of being homophobic. Confusion comes, as well, when there is also now Progressive Christianity where homosexuality is no issue but welcome.

Homophobia means” the fear or even hate against gay people”. For us it makes not sense as we only fear God and love our neighbour. Through the whole Bible we are commanded to love our neighbour. Not recommended but commanded.

There are so many other sins, but they are not classed as a phobia. For instance Alcoholic phobia does not exist..only the word Methyphobia which is the fear of drinking alcohol.

When we go out to Reading to meet the homeless  and others, that we engage with ,we touch, hug and pray whenever the Lord gives an opening. We did that all through 2020 when the world went into a state of fear through the propaganda from the media. Most homeless people could see right through this as they do not spent their evenings in front of the brainwashing TV


So we love our neighbour but we are not afraid to tell them the truth in love. Homosexuality is not something one is born with as the word would have us believe. We live in a fallen world and all have tendencies to sin but God wants us to overcome what is sinful. Once you give your life to Jesus ( the real one) the Holy Spirit will teach you and help you to overcome these sinful desires . The world say Love is Love but really the Truth is Love. Jesus is the way , the truth and the life    Repent, Believe and follow Jesus. 

 Doctrine and Demons

Katja met with a lady in London, when we were at one of the protests in 2020 evangelising, this lady was tormented by situations in her marriage. Her husband, who were both confessing Christians, had a drug addiction and it was bearing a heavy strain on their relationship; We are still in contact with both husband and wife to this day: the husband has an appointment to go into rehab to deal with the drug addiction. This sounds great but this isn’t the first time in rehab in fact he is now into double figures. It would appear that after a set time a relapse would occur and they are back to lies, stealing, abuse and psychological wear and tear. which in turn means that the wife needs "legal" drugs (big Pharma).


So, what, has gospel believing Christians who put their faith in Jesus Christ do? well here is the first stumbling block we cannot do anything without Christ. if we do not have the fear of Christ then our attempts are going to be futile. So, anyone who believes that because they have been given the grace of God they don’t have to work (on a daily basis) at their obedience to God will have no fear because in their minds they will still have a place in Heaven. If in this case the flesh is onto a winner then the sin will always take precedence over the spirit. 


There has to be an acknowledgement that everyone is susceptible to harbouring demons: Don Dickerman, who casts out demons and has done for many years, is not one of these showmen you see on TV or in big charismatic churches. he states that there has to be a true repentance by the individual and total forgiveness of trespassers. having unforgiveness to others in your life will most defiantly give demons a doorway and authority to remain in the body. the individual has to be sober minded: the following is guidance take from experienced people:

  1. You must be desperate and determined to be delivered. you must want the spirits out of your life more than anything else in the world. A casual approach will not work! if you hold back the evil spirits will sense your hesitation and they won’t leave
  2. you must have repented of all your sins with tears and sincerity. Casual repentance will not help. you must hate your sin and run from unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, fornication, and pride (Matt 6:24. Lk 16:13) You must be willing to give the Lord everything you have and make a complete surrender of your life to him, without reservation. you cannot hold back (Lk 14:33)
  3. You must be ready to fight for your life. The Kingdom of God must suffer violence and the violent must take it by force. (Matt 11:12, Matt 22:37) if you won’t fight the demons won’t have to fight to stay. You will reap what you sow (Gal 6:7-8).
  4. Spend has much time in prayer as you can prior to deliverance and ask friends family to prayer for you also. Keep fasting to a minimum get plenty of rest. You must show the Lord and the kingdom of darkness you are serious. if you don’t show them they will continue to show you sickness, misery, sorrow, frustration, disease, guilt, shame, confusion, heartaches, and pre-mature death.
  5. WARNING if you have not repented of all your sin and forgiven everybody in your life and are unwilling to make restitution where it applies you are not to proceed. if you continue you proceed based on your own faith in the word of God. and the personal presence of the holy spirit in your life.

There are certain things that should be remembered we have the authority to tread on serpents and are perfectly capable of casting out demons in ourselves, we have to renounce any spirits that have entered the body through religious cults, spiritualism, occult practices, sexual perversions, fornication, new age teachings, yoga, tarot cards.

the following should be read: Acts 19, Romans 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17, Eph 4:21-32, 6:11-18, 2 cor 7:1, John 5:14, 8:11, Matthew 12, Luke 11, Heb 12:1, James 1:2, 1 Thes 4:7, John 14,15 and16.

So has we pray for both our brother and sister to find the fear of the Lord and to be brought out of this dark place they both find themselves in and hope that God has it in his heart to bring the admission date forward for the rehab to take place. 

it cannot be expressed enough that our authority is the King James Bible and our saviour is Jesus Christ.

Mark 2:16-17

 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?

 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole  have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

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