To find out how you can have a relationship with Jesus and how the world and the flesh will fight against that relationship

At Some Point


Will Be the Next Person to Die on Earth

The Bible scriptures are inspired by God, without error and from the original writings and the final authority for all Christian faith and life.

(King James Bible is the perfect, preserved word of God in English language)

We believe in the Almighty God and his son Jesus Christ by whom he made the heavens and earth. we believe that Jesus was the Word that became flesh and lived amongst us, he was sinless, he was tortured and crusified for telling the truth, his body was pierced but not broken to fulfil prophesy, his last words were "it is finished"( John 19:30) . thus making Jesus the last sacrificial lamb and paying the payment for our sins. He was taken from the place of crucifixtion by Joseph of Arimathaea along with Nicodemus (who visited Jesus at night at the start of the ministry of Jesus and was told to be born again) in a new sepulchre of which no man had ever laid in and He rose again from the dead spending three nights and three days in the grave. , again as was prophesised defeating death, he was seen by many but came back to be with the apostles. when he left the earth he said he would be back but he would not leave us alone he would send a comforter to be with us, he then went to sit at the right hand of God Almighty. At pentecost Jesus poured out the holy spirit for every one which is the Holy Spirit  within us.