If Prison Walls could speak

Richard Wurmbrand

Richard Wurmbrand gives an honest and very moving account on what gruesome long term imprisonment can do to the Christian mind and how his faith survives  This kind of torture goes on today as well. The persecuted Christians which are many must always be in our prayers. In 1967 Richard and his wife formed, which is today known as,  Voice of the Martyrs an organisation that helps and brings awareness to the persecuted Christians.

"The convert must know he may starve to death in prison.God must simply be served" Richard Wurmbrand

Tortured for Christ

Richard Wurmbrand

This book is such a powerful testimony. As a pastor, Richard was imprisoned for 14 years and tortured in horrendous ways. It shows the ugly face of communism but most important the love and forgiveness that Richard showed his torturers. His wife was separated from him working as a slave in a labour camp where she never abandon her faith in Jesus. The big important question arises:  Would we be willing to do the same?

"Christianity that does not its utmost to win souls for Christ is not Christianity" Richard Wurmbrand

Power from High: Charles G Finney

Charles Finney opposed the tulip model of calvinism and the arminianism in the 1800s. he was a lawyer, at the time, who was a music director in a church but resisted the call from Christ, he was renown for his lack of belief. He had a large following of non believers who stood by and used his arquments  for their own lack of belief. At the age of 26 he was filled with the holy spirit which fully convicted him of his sinfulness and brought him to repentance. Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ he entered peace with God and with who he brought a revival of faith to a multitude. it is a book that was writen hundreds of years ago but could well be the actions of luke warm churches today.